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...and just like that she accomplished her goal...


‘get it done’ in alignment with your soul & body


The purpose of this private coaching package is to help you get to your next destination...

…while honouring your energy levels, life’s circumstances...

…yet getting it done…

Your 'next destination' might be...

  •  a workshop, program or a product that you have been meaning to launch…well for ages…and you know that this could change the lives of others…

  • a project at work that you know will make a big impact on your career…and impact others along the way…

  • a podcast, YouTube channel or social media project that you so badly want to share with the world…yet it has been on the backburner for way too long…

  • a proposal or writing project that you thought you would have submitted last Summer…and it is bugging you like nothing else…

  • to brush up your CV and apply for jobs…so that you can uplevel and do the work you actually enjoy in an environment that feels inspiring…

  • to pass an exam, complete a certification or finish that program you signed up for last year…yet you resist studying and making time for it…

  • OR you simply crave sacred accountability that helps you ‘get it done’, be productive and break through the pattern of making promises to yourself that you end up breaking a few weeks later…

Whatever your ‘next destination’ is… I am here for you! 

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I know what might be going on for you...

You want to do 'the thing'...

…but somehow you end up doing everything else…


…from cleaning the house, washing your dishes, staring at your computer, scrolling on social media, running random errands, focusing on another unimportant task, messaging your friends…


…scrolling on social media again, watching something on Netflix and then you decide to leave it for another day…


And on another day…you are so ready to slay the task, have a plan for an incredibly productive day and before you know it you get sucked into other things… and it is 8pm and you have not done it AGAIN…


Or maybe you chose to have a short break on your phone…oops two hours have just passed…

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As your coach, I don’t make you feel guilty or ashamed for not following through…

I know this vicious cycle too well myself and I am here to help you break free.

Powerful sessions to help you stay focused. 

Check-ins between sessions.

Mindset + Energy + Effective techniques

AND Focus on what matters to you the most.

We focus on your heart’s desires and ground them with aligned action. 

Ready to get out of your own way?



I know that this is not about the lack of your abilities, I know you are more than capable…


I know that you know how to schedule tasks, manage your time and get organised when needed…




The thing is that beneath that procrastination is usually fear, imposter syndrome, debilitating self-doubt or the tasks at hand simply feel too overwhelming and daunting… 


It feels like a vicious cycle… 


It feels easier to put on another Netflix show instead of following through on what you said you were going to do…


But then the guilt and shame and blame resurface and you feel mad at yourself…


…knowing that you are the one getting in your own way… 


This is why I know that this sort of coaching is extremely valuable… it can literally change your life and help you regain the confidence that you can do it and that you follow through…


I am a clinical hypnotherapist, experienced coach, writer, podcast host and a healer and I bring that experience with me.


I have helped my clients break through resistance, long-term procrastination patterns and do what they thought was beyond their capacity.


I go beyond ‘What is your plan for the week?’ and I help you address the root cause, follow through and I help you take baby steps that will turn into huge progress… 


Before you know it, you will be patting yourself on the back, feeling proud and accomplished…

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It doesn’t matter how small or big your goal is… The most important thing is to get started and follow through. 

I know that you totally have what it takes. 


I know that at times you feel like…

…you are not ‘cut out for this'

…you must be a lazy person…

…you lack motivation…

…you simply haven't got the time…

…you are not good enough…

…your work/expertise is not good enough…

..your mind is just taking over…


Nope…None of this is true…

You are cut out for it and just the fact that you desire something means that it is meant for you…

Join me now and become the writer and director of your life, unlocking your limitless creative potential and manifesting an abundant life.

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Hi, I am  Stepanka! 

I am so glad you are here and I can’t wait to learn more about your goals, desires and callings in life. I know you are meant for great things. 


I have helped my clients to launch products that they had talked about for years, hit their fitness goals that used to be nothing but a dream, start and finish projects that made positive impact on the planet, overcome debilitating imposter syndrome that kept them at jobs that felt unfulfilling and simply get out of their own ways…


As a multi-passionate person, I also found it super hard at times to follow through on my desires, complete goals, be productive and keep that inner critic under control. I have massively struggled with procrastination throughout my life, left way too many projects to the last minute and got mad at myself for doing it over and over again. 


And these days, we also have the fantastic distraction of social media and our smartphones…


Yet, I also chose circumstances that forced me to choose my goals over anything else. As a University student, I was already in a  full time job and had to learn to be really smart with how I use my time. And the same thing happened when I was studying clinical hypnosis and yet once again I was faced with procrastination and struggled to accomplish everything. 

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What's included?

I know that at this point you actually crave true 1:1 support rather than taking another course on ‘how to start a new habit’ or listen to free resources on the Internet…


I know that your time is valuable af…


Ok, ready? Let’s get started. 

  • 2 month coaching package (can be extended, but this is the minimum length)

  • Initial questionnaire 

  • 2x 45 min calls per month ( 4 in total )

  • 2x check-ins a week on a private secure messenger app 

  • Incredible techniques and client only resources


£489.00 per month ( prices either in GBP or USD - message me for USD)

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Important note:

Please be aware that this course is not a replacement for clinical therapy, therefore please seek professional clinical advice if you need it. This journey is also not a replacement for professional financial advice and Stepanka Kuralova cannot guarantee any specific results.

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©2022 by Stepanka Kuralova

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